The Cosmic Sea
The symbolism of the sea in the Bible begins with the creation story. The creation of the universe by God was seen by ancient Hebraic peoples as creation from the cosmic sea (symbolic perhaps of the spiritual realm). In Genesis God separates the waters creating the sky (heaven) and the sea/water on earth as 2 distinct realms and then places boundaries on the earthly seas by creating land. At creation the Spirit is present as he hovered over the waters bringing order to the chaos.
The sea is the source of all water on earth. Water springs forth from below and drops through apertures in the firmament above as rain and snow, even providing water for the great flood (Gen 7:11 & 8:2 – the rain fell in mighty torrents and the underground waters stopped flowing). God is seen to therefore use the sea in judgment against sin. In contrast, in Micah 7:19, we see God’s forgiveness by “casting sin into the depths of the sea” but that’s probably more about the symbolism of unfathomable depths than the sea. We see Jesus using similar language for the result of causing a ‘little one’ to sin (Matt 18:6).
The sea is also symbolic of God’s reign and power. God’s throne floats upon the sea (Psalm 29:10). He sits enthroned over the flood and there is a “sea of glass” in the throne room (Rev 4:6 and 15:2). This is symbolic of God’s reign in the spiritual realms and on earth. He has the power to both hold back the seas and to release them (eg when Moses crossed the Red Sea safely with the Israelites but then Pharaoh’s soldiers were subsequently drowned.) One way Jesus demonstrates his rule over the sea on earth is by walking on water (Matt 14:25) and enabling Peter to do the same. Another is by calming the storm (Mark 4:35).
The sea is often symbolic of chaos, the forces that come against God and creation. The sea pushes against the boundaries that God has established, if you like, (Job 38:8-11 & Jer 5:22). Again, with influences from neighbouring cultures and nations, the sea was seen by ancient peoples as a place where God places chaos in the form of a sea monster (known as Leviathan, Rahab, or the dragon). The sea monster ‘stirs’ the ‘cosmic sea’ (spiritual realm) having an impact on earth but is wounded by God (Job 26:12 & Psalm 104:24-29), thereby limiting its impact. It is likely this was why the sea was so feared, as we see when Jesus calms the storm.
Whilst the sea symbolises threat as the sea monster can re-emerge, its final battle is revealed in Revelation 13:1 when it is destroyed forever by fire. The sea is then calm, symbolising the absence of evil. In the end, there is no longer any sea (Rev 21:1) signifying that there is no longer a threat to creation.
It’s interesting that Jesus often crosses the sea as he moves from one place to another. Is he deliberately confronting fears, declaring his identity as Messiah, or was it a strategic way of ensuring he spoke to those who had open hearts and minds because they were less valued by society (fishermen etc) and to the merchants who would take his message to other shores? He is also recorded as walking on the shore, the place of boundaries between sea and land and crossing the sea, therefore crossing boundaries. Could this be a deliberate symbol of his message of Good News overcoming all boundaries and being for all peoples?
· Where do we need a fresh revelation of God’s power and reign in our life’s circumstances?
· Maybe we need to return to the safe boundaries (reflected in his Word) God has placed in our lives? Have we stepped outside doing what is right? Ask Holy Spirit to reveal anything you need to confess so that it is removed to the depths of the sea or as far as east is from west.
· The sea can be both exhilarating and scary. What are we afraid of? Where is God calling us to step out in faith and trust his authority and power? Maybe we need to walk, or cross, the self-made boundaries we have placed in our lives?
· There may still be chaos in the world, but because Jesus and His Spirit live in us, we have the authority to bring order and peace through the way we live our lives and with our prayers. Where can we bring peace and order to situations of chaos?
· One day we will be with God face to face in his throne room. Ask God to reveal something of that reality to you today to increase your faith and hope.
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