Face to Face with Love

Who would have thought twelve months ago, that seeing each other face to face at home this Christmas would have been such a treat and a challenge. A treat, as after nine months of social distancing, face to face meetings can no longer be taken for granted, and a challenge, because choosing who of our loved ones we ‘bubble’ with needs to be very carefully decided and planned.

So how does a different and restricted Christmas affect how we see this year’s celebrations? Is it time to be more focused on celebrating those we love than rushing around buying a glut of gifts and food, especially if your income has been negatively affected this year? Or are the gifts and feasts even more special in a year when other celebrations have been put on hold? In a year that we’ve come starkly face to face with our own mortality and that of those we care about, perhaps Christmas is a time to celebrate life and life in all its fullness, well, as much as regulations will allow.

The good news of course is that the vaccination program is under way, so there is some light in the darkness. It’s not the end of the pandemic, but perhaps it is the beginning of the end.

As some of us turn to the Christmas story as part of our preparations and celebrations, we are reminded that there is always Good News to share. In the message of the angels to the Virgin Mary and the Shepherds, the sign of the Star leading the Wise Men to Bethlehem, and in the cry of a newborn babe in a stable, there is Good News above and beyond all good news. This Good News brings us face to face with a God who deeply love us all, Immanuel - God with us. A gift more precious and more special than any other gift.

We are made in the image and likeness of God, who is full of light and life. So this Christmas as you gaze into the faces of those you love, perhaps you will see the loving kindness of the Christ child reflected in and through them. Perhaps you may even see his light and life in your own reflection in the mirror. And as you do see God’s reflection, perhaps you will also see his invitation to draw nearer to him to see him face to face and to behold his loving kindness.  A kindness that enables us to know we are loved, accepted and can be set free from what entangles us.  An invitation that includes receiving the gift of the Spirit of Christ, that will purify your heart and open your eyes to see the face of God in unexpected and maybe new ways.  An invitation to know the joy of the Good News of Christmas which can bring peace and goodwill to all mankind, forever.

Christmas blessings to you and all whom you love.


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