Reaching for a Father's Love

You do not have to earn love. Often though, our experience of love is that it is not given in the way we would wish, want or need.  There is a gap,...a hole,... a place that feels empty.  Something is missing as if you have a gnawing hunger that will not go away.

Perhaps you've attempted to fill that gap with a great many things to satisfy that hunger and fill that emptiness but nothing seems to fill you up or satisfy completely.

The love we all desire is beyond body and soul, emotions and physicality.  The emptiness in your core goes deeper than that, to the depths of your spirit, that rules over your soul and body.  

This spirit within you was created by the One who created you and who saw you as you were formed in the womb.  This eternal, everlasting love is the love of your Heavenly Father who created you as body, soul and spirit.  He's the One whose Spirit you were made to connect with, the One who your spirit yearns for.  His is the love that will fill that empty hole, that will satisfy you completely.  His is the love that accepts you unconditionally and tells you that you belong.  His love is the love that will last forever and fill you to overflowing.  His love is given freely because he loves you just as you are and he yearns for you to know it and receive it.  Until you reach out for that love, you will always be a little empty and a little hungry.

Why not reach out for the love of our Heavenly Father and ask his Spirit to show you how wide, deep, long and everlasting his love is?


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