In this final part of my Mum’s reminisces from her childhood, she shares how she was evacuated with her Mum and brother and how they survived a near miss from a doodlebug. In this case it was drastic circumstances that led to their leaving their home, albeit temporarily. There can be many different reasons for leaving the familiar and striking out into the unknown; war, work, adventure or maybe even a Godly command. God told Abram ‘Go from your country, your people and your Father’s household.‘ (Genesis 12:1). Abram didn’t know where he was going, but he did have God’s promise of blessing for him and his future. Sometimes God calls us to ‘Go’. We don’t always know where we will end up or who we will end up with but if we trust God, he will show us the way and bless our faith in his promises. In about 1943, it was decided that although Kingston was relatively unscathed, it was prone to random bombs as the Luftwaffe were returning from their raids, so ...
One of my all time favourite films is The Railway Children with actress Jenny Agutter. The final scene sees Jenny’s character, Roberta, standing on the station platform. She wasn’t expecting her father to be on the train after a long absence, but begins to entertain the hopeful possibility. The end of the platform is covered with a thick steamy mist but slowly Roberta recognises her father’s silhouette. She calls out to him “Daddy, my daddy”, as she runs into his embrace. Roberta running into her father’s embrace always gets to me. It speaks to me of the longing to be embraced by our father’s arms, held firmly yet gently, deeply loved, accepted, and protected. It makes me reflect on the unique intimacy available to us from our Heavenly Father. Jesus, called him, Abba, a tender, intimate name not dissimilar to Dad or Daddy, but like Roberta’s father on the platform, sometimes our Heavenly Father can be difficult to make out, hidden by our false p...
Thy Kingdom Come. Just three simple words. Very much like three other words. Filled with meaning and packed with intention, Or thrown away quickly, soon as they’re mentioned. Thy Kingdom come! Whose kingdom? Your kingdom? My kingdom? Kingdoms that rise, and kingdoms that fall. Kingdoms of promise with no promise at all. Or a kingdom that’s near, and also eternal. A kingdom that promises life and is personal. A kingdom within you, or even at hand. A kingdom that guides you in all things unplanned. A kingdom that promises broken made whole. A kingdom that knocks at the door of your soul. The Gatekeeper stands at the door of this Kingdom He knocks and he waits for your spirit to hear him. This Kingdom of love, light, beauty and truth. This Kingdom that’s called since the days of your youth. Do you long for this Kingdom and want to know more? Will you dare to respond and to open the door? Will you listen for the knock and have faith to reply… “Thy Kingdo...
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