Living Water

Water is such a vital and essential element of all life.  If we look at earth from space, we see that over 70% of our planet is made up of water.  Our own bodies, too are made up of over 60% water.

The greater part of our world is made up of water. Raging seas, flowing rivers and gentle pools.  Which do you associate with in this present moment?  Are you a raging sea, a fast flowing, babbling brook, a slow, wide meandering river, or a gentle, peaceful pool of still water? 

Or maybe your stuck at the edge of the river?  Caught up in some foreign bit of discarded waste or are you wedged amongst the weeds and reeds growing at the shallower edges of the water?

Maybe you’re none of these?  Maybe you’re feeling dehydrated, parched and dry like a desert that has waited long for the rainy season?  Maybe you’re in need of living water within you to refresh and re-hydrate you?

The source of the Creator's water of life is the purest water, clean sparkling, not yet polluted by anything.  This water is so pure, you might even call it Holy.  This water flows with the Spirit of beauty and truth, goodness and gentleness, power and purity.

As this stream of living water flows out into the world, it picks up the dirt and debris that flows and falls into it – much as a stream flowing from its melted mountain source might pick up dirt, debris and pollutants on its journey downstream through the villages in its valleys and on towards towns and cities.

This living water picks up these things of life and carries them on their journey cleansing and reshaping them sometimes with its gentle flow and sometimes more deliberately like tumbling them over rocks and waterfalls.

As the river flows on, it grows and widens.  It meanders slowly at its outside edges giving glimpses of the life that is watered beyond its banks.  Trees, fields, animals and people who are drawn to the water for refreshment and cleansing inside and out.  But at its centre, it is still powerful, deep and sometimes fast bringing excitement and adventure for those who dare to brave it.

This river of life reaches the sea.  Its pure fresh water mingles with the salt water, much like our salty tears might mingle with the rain on our faces on a wet day.  But this is not the end of its journey, for its cycle of life continues as it evaporates into the skies morphing into a celestial vapour of living water.  It is carried along to higher ground once again and maybe even eventually blown across the deserts which wait so long for this life giving water?

As we meditate on this water of life, where are we most in need of it?  Are our bodies in need of cleansing from pain and disease?  Are our souls in need of refreshment from disillusionment and disappointment?  Are our spirits in need or revitalising and re-envisionment?

Where in your body do you need healing?  Imagine the water of life flowing to that area bringing relief, soothing and lubrication?  Do you have an infection?  Imagine the living water flowing through your heart picking up the infection and cleansing.  Are your muscles tense?  Allow the living water to sooth and release them.  Do your joints ache?  Allow the living water to lubricate and ease them.

Now your soul – your mind, will and emotions?  How is your mind?  Is it cluttered?  Are you having difficulty focusing?  Imagine the living water bringing clarity and discernment.  Are your emotions raging?  Imagine the living water bringing gentleness, perspective and peace. 

And your spirits – are you feeling disillusioned or stuck?  Imagine the living water flowing over your hearts desires, awakening a seed of hope and illuminating the way forward.  Seeking inspiration or creativity?  Allow the living water to inspire you.  Lonely and isolated?  Allow the Spirit of the Creator of this water of life to connect with your spirit and bring you connection and into relationship with the Creator.  As it fills you may it start to bubble up and overflow with life and joy.

Whoever believes in me .... rivers of living water will flow from within them.

John 7:38


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