Hidden Revealed

When we’re pushed to our limits or have to deal with things outside our control, we can often find the state of our heart, our hidden self, is revealed.  Our nature, our life experiences, our current state of well-being, can all affect how we react to a situation and what’s squeezed out, often reflects the state or desires of our heart.

Sometimes we find ourselves showing resilience, skills, creativity, empathy and practical support we would never have thought possible bringing life and love to us and others.   Sometimes it is our uglier side that gets revealed, our tiredness, fear, frustration and selfishness overspill beyond our control and we bring despair and destruction.  

As we contemplate returning to the “new normal”, perhaps we wonder if we really want to return there.  But if not there, then where?  If not that way, then which way?

A wise person once wrote: “Within your heart you make plans for the future, but the Lord chooses the steps you take to get there.”  If you find yourselves pondering the way forward, why not ask God to guide your steps.  He knows you inside and out.  He knows your circumstances, your skills and the desires of your heart, even when you don’t.  His desire is to reveal the hidden way, the way that leads to the path of life.  All you have to do is ask and the hidden will be revealed at the opportune time.


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