
Showing posts from May, 2020

Thy Kingdom Come

Thy Kingdom Come.  Just three simple words. Very much like three other words. Filled with meaning and packed with intention, Or thrown away quickly, soon as they’re mentioned. Thy Kingdom come!  Whose kingdom? Your kingdom? My kingdom? Kingdoms that rise, and kingdoms that fall. Kingdoms of promise with no promise at all. Or a kingdom that’s near, and also eternal. A kingdom that promises life and is personal. A kingdom within you, or even at hand. A kingdom that guides you in all things unplanned. A kingdom that promises broken made whole. A kingdom that knocks at the door of your soul. The Gatekeeper stands at the door of this Kingdom He knocks and he waits for your spirit to hear him. This Kingdom of love, light, beauty and truth. This Kingdom that’s called since the days of your youth. Do you long for this Kingdom and want to know more? Will you dare to respond and to open the door? Will you listen for the knock and have faith to reply… “Thy Kingdo...

Journeying to an Unknown Land

2020 is the 400th anniversary of the sailing of the Pilgrims on the Mayflower. They had been a persecuted people unsure of what the future held but this is what William Bradford records of them starting out on their journey: “So they left that good and pleasant city, which had been their resting place for nearly twelve years; but they knew they were pilgrims, and lifted up their eyes to the heavens, their dearest country, and quieted their spirits.” Many of us are leaving behind the familiarity and security of our routines and lifestyles which can cause grief and anxiety. But perhaps if we look up to the source of all creation, we can find that our spirits will be quieted. Let’s each day take a moment, a pause, a breath, to Be Still and Know that God is God.

Hidden Revealed

When we’re pushed to our limits or have to deal with things outside our control, we can often find the state of our heart, our hidden self, is revealed.  Our nature, our life experiences, our current state of well-being, can all affect how we react to a situation and what’s squeezed out, often reflects the state or desires of our heart. Sometimes we find ourselves showing resilience, skills, creativity, empathy and practical support we would never have thought possible bringing life and love to us and others.   Sometimes it is our uglier side that gets revealed, our tiredness, fear, frustration and selfishness overspill beyond our control and we bring despair and destruction.   As we contemplate returning to the “new normal”, perhaps we wonder if we really want to return there.  But if not there, then where?  If not that way, then which way? A wise person once wrote: “Within your heart you make plans for the future, but the Lord chooses the steps you t...

Living Water

Water is such a vital and essential element of all life.   If we look at earth from space, we see that over 70% of our planet is made up of water.   Our own bodies, too are made up of over 60% water. The greater part of our world is made up of water. Raging seas, flowing rivers and gentle pools.  Which do you associate with in this present moment?  Are you a raging sea, a fast flowing, babbling brook, a slow, wide meandering river, or a gentle, peaceful pool of still water?  Or maybe your stuck at the edge of the river?  Caught up in some foreign bit of discarded waste or are you wedged amongst the weeds and reeds growing at the shallower edges of the water? Maybe you’re none of these?  Maybe you’re feeling dehydrated, parched and dry like a desert that has waited long for the rainy season?  Maybe you’re in need of living water within you to refresh and re-hydrate you? The source of the Creator's water of life is the purest wate...