Thy Kingdom Come
Thy Kingdom Come. Just three simple words. Very much like three other words. Filled with meaning and packed with intention, Or thrown away quickly, soon as they’re mentioned. Thy Kingdom come! Whose kingdom? Your kingdom? My kingdom? Kingdoms that rise, and kingdoms that fall. Kingdoms of promise with no promise at all. Or a kingdom that’s near, and also eternal. A kingdom that promises life and is personal. A kingdom within you, or even at hand. A kingdom that guides you in all things unplanned. A kingdom that promises broken made whole. A kingdom that knocks at the door of your soul. The Gatekeeper stands at the door of this Kingdom He knocks and he waits for your spirit to hear him. This Kingdom of love, light, beauty and truth. This Kingdom that’s called since the days of your youth. Do you long for this Kingdom and want to know more? Will you dare to respond and to open the door? Will you listen for the knock and have faith to reply… “Thy Kingdo...